C8 GCSE Guided Choices
C8 are given the opportunity to make choices around choosing their GCSE options which commence at the start of C9. At Honywood School learners are offered a broad curriculum and the guided choices process ensures that learners study a wide range of subjects which meet their needs and prepare them for life beyond school. Most courses will lead to examination in GCSE and continue throughout Cohorts 10 and 11.
All learners study English, Mathematics and Science as a GCSE. All learners undertake Physical Education to encourage a healthy active lifestyle even if they take no examination in this subject. As in Cohorts 7 and 8, PSHE continues to be taught through our Learning Session 5 programme of study at the end of each day.
In addition to these core subjects, learners can select to study the following GCSE subjects: Art, Business Studies, Computer Science, Design and Technology (Graphics, Resistant Material or Textiles) Expressive Arts (Dance, Drama or Music) Food Preparation and Nutrition, Health & Social Care, Humanities (Geography, History, and/or Religion and Philosophy) Languages (French, German, Latin and/or Spanish), Media Studies and PE (either GCSE or Vocational). All learners will initially study 8 or 9 qualifications, with subsequent curriculum adaptations made where necessary on an individual basis as learners progress through the courses. In running a school, pragmatic resourcing decisions need to be made in terms of the finances and staffing that we have available to us. Every year certain courses will not be offered as we simply can’t justify running a subject if only a handful of learners select it.
Our Guided Choices website has a wealth of information to help in making your choices.
Learners and families are invited to attend an Information Evening in March to ask further questions and gain further specific information. Families also have access to our Guided Choices site which provides information and explains the guided choices process. All subjects have also created multimedia presentations giving further explanations about their programmes of study including:
What will I learn?
How will I learn
Who is the course for?
What is the structure of the course?
What courses / employment could I progress to at the end of the course?
Who do I contact for further information?
Careers Education and Guidance, Health Education, Environmental Education and Citizenship continue to be taught throughout Cohorts 10 and 11. Learners receive support and guidance from the school in making these important decisions about their future. Learning Group Leaders and Subject Teachers are able to advise initially.