
The aim of the Mathematics Department at Honywood is to realise the full mathematical potential of each learner and we are determined to improve the progress of all, regardless of prior attainment and knowledge. Our professional and dedicated staff believes that fostering an enjoyment of the subject is paramount to enable real learning to take place and as a team, we believe strongly in challenging our learners, promoting independence and encouraging them to extend their learning. The varied professional backgrounds of our teachers help us to make real connections with everyday life and to appreciate the role that mathematics plays in their other subjects.
The Curriculum
At GCSE, learners currently follow the Edexcel 9-1 specification. The GCSE examinations consist of 3 papers (1 Non-calculator & 2 Calculator) which have tiered Foundation and Higher entry levels to cater for learners of all abilities. Learners begin the course in Cohort 9. Foundation or Higher pathways are chosen at various points from C9 to C11 depending on attainment and aspirations.
In KS3 the learners follow a carefully designed set of Study Periods which encourage a solid understanding of the fundamentals of Maths whilst linking them to real life applications. This sequenced learning builds on previous knowledge and regular retrieval practice helps consolidate this into the long-term memory and prepares the learners for their KS4 GCSE Maths learning.
The curriculum is covered over a 3-year period with opportunities for learners to engage with all areas included in the specification at the appropriate level. All learners are encouraged to make excellent progress and resources have been specifically designed that will engage the learners to consolidate and make progress in their existing skills, knowledge and understanding. Our approach to teaching Mathematics ensures that our learners benefit from sound understanding of the fundamental principles underpinning the subject.

Progress is monitored in a variety of ways:

Session by session the learner’s progress will be monitored by either having one-to-one conversations with the teacher, by analysing learning in their book and by regular assessment points. Guidance will be given as to how to progress forward in their Maths knowledge and understanding.

Formal performance opportunities are built into the programme and come in the form of questions from actual GCSE papers. These performance opportunities require the learners to apply knowledge and understanding they have gained in sessions and through independent study. A detailed breakdown is provided after each assessment with clear guidance on which areas of maths need to be improved.

Approach to Independent Study
Independent study is fundamental to help the learners consolidate their understanding and will be set on a weekly basis. This will consist of either consolidation of learning from that week, recall from previous learning or preparation for new learning.  A variety of different resources may be used depending on needs, but we currently use Dr Frost Maths for setting online independent study.
Resources to support learning
All resources are posted onto Google Classroom for learners to access on their ipads during lessons and outside school.
We expect all of the learners at Honywood to attend their learning sessions with the correct mathematical equipment.  All learners should have a pen, pencil, ruler, rubber, protractor, pair of compasses and a scientific calculator.