The Travel and Tourism department aims to equip learners with the knowledge and interpersonal skills needed to succeed in a career in the dynamic travel industry or other workplace. The course has three components covering a wide range of travel and tourism related topics including Travel and Tourism organisations and destinations, customer needs in travel and tourism and influences on global travel and tourism. The first two components are assessed internally through the use of controlled assessment, where learners complete realistic tasks and activities to show their knowledge and understanding. This allows them to show initiative, as well as improving their organisation and time management in order to meet deadlines. Component 3, which is assessed externally, equips students with real life skills for sixth form/college or apprenticeships. Learners are also able to hear from guest speakers who work in the industry; including global operational risk and independent travel agents.

Learners begin the course with an overview of the three components. They learn all about the different elements of the travel and tourism industry. From tour operators and travel agents to ancillary organisations and tourism promotion. Learners are tasked with the challenge of creating their own airline where they choose a focus group and plan their brand accordingly. They are opened up to the world of travel through customer satisfaction whilst learning the skills needed to meet customers needs. Learners also gain an insight into the different factors that may affect a holiday, with a specific focus on media portrayal and how this has impacted destinations over the years. Learners will undertake numerous group and individual projects throughout the year and experience their first exposure to a mock coursework. 

As learners move into C10 they build on the knowledge learned in C9. They begin to have a look at regulatory bodies and how they can look after tourists, and look at the different tourism organisations and how these work together. Learners begin their first assessed piece of coursework at the beginning of the Spring Term which includes preparation time and formally supervised conditions. Once the coursework is completed and submitted, learners continue their studies by looking at tourism development and Butler’s TALC Model. Before building on the research needed to meet customers' needs.

In C11, learners study the impact of tourism, including sustainability and government responses. They look more closely into mature and emerging destinations and the reasons behind changes in popularity. Learners also complete their second controlled assessment as well as their externally assessed exam. 

Learners develop knowledge and understanding by applying their learning and skills in a work-related context and this course engages learners to take responsibility for their own learning and to develop skills that are essential for the modern-day workplace
We look forward to welcoming you into the Travel and Tourism department!